Mastectomy can leave you feeling numb. Resensation® is a surgical technique designed to restore sensation.
life-changing choices
Losing one or both breasts can be overwhelming—it’s why many women choose reconstructive surgery. But one thing you may not be aware of is that after a mastectomy and even reconstruction, women can experience anywhere from partial to complete numbness in their chest.
learn whydiscover your options
With Resensation you have the opportunity to not only look—but potentially feel—more like yourself again. This surgical technique has the potential to restore sensation to your breast as part of breast reconstruction.
learn howreal feel: patient stories
Patients and surgeons share their Resensation experience.
It’s not just about the way the reconstructed breast looks; it’s the way it feels to the patient. Resensation can help put the focus back on the woman and how she feels.
Dr. Chen, MD
Ask your surgeon if it’s possible to do the nerve grafting. It can be life-changing to the patient. Just a short additional time in the operating room can change somebody’s entire life.
Resensation patient
a future candidate
Talk to your doctor about determining whether or not Resensation is right for you.
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How does mastectomy impact the nerves in the breast?
One sometimes overlooked aspect of mastectomy is its impact on nerves. Read what happens to nerves during mastectomy and explore…
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What happens during implant breast reconstruction with Resensation®?
By repairing sensory nerves, Resensation® enables you to potentially regain sensation to your chest. Read how this procedure works during…
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how resensation® helped Leanna feel secure in her family’s future
With Resensation®, Leanna can be there to watch her kids grow up—without losing the feeling of being whole.
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sensory retraining: what is it, and how can it help me after resensation®?
Sensory retraining is a series of exercises designed to help you reconnect with your body after breast reconstruction with Resensation®.
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